Roz, a single woman in Ireland who is barely making ends meet and living paycheck to paycheck, finds herself unexpectedly pregnant after a “one night stand.” She decides she wants to adopt out (sell) the baby, and finds a great online agency that will help make it possible. She is introduced to Julie–half of a millionaire couple–who wants Roz to move into the basement of her and her husband’s home in NYC to finish her pregnancy and allow Julie to pass off the baby as her own to her friends and the media. Roz’s best friend, Dympna, tries to convince her it’s a bad idea, but Roz doesn’t listen. And nothing is what it seems.
Except of course it’s exactly the opposite of what it seems or we wouldn’t have much of a story here. Even though I knew what was coming, I still wanted to keep reading–as quickly as I could turn the pages–to see what would actually happen next. More of a thriller than a mystery, this book leaves you on the edge of your seat wondering whether or not it will work out for Roz and her baby, since in this genre you never really know. While parts of this book are a bit too smooth and easy, I’d recommend it for a quick, suspenseful read.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer in exchange for my honest review. It has not influenced my opinion.